Demo Reel
(updates coming soon!)
Sound Implementation
Unreal Engine 5 Implementation
New video
Dynamic Mixing and Threat Level Mixing in UE5 Wwise
Game sound design with original instruments
Prize winner in The Robert Dudzic Sound Challenge "Best creativity at the source" category
Sound redesigns
Warframe trailer redesign
"Exceptional Mention" Prize winner in the
Soundmorph Sound Design Competition

Imaginative Soundscapes for Games
Freelance game sound designer and technical sound designer with a background as a violin maker and passion for accessibility in games.
My passion for game sound design stems from a love of experimenting and lifelong learning in audio, creating unique universes to engulf game players in new spaces mentally and emotionally and a love of exploring all the technical possibilities with sounds available to create memorable dynamic gameplay and experiences.
(Primary Tools - Reaper, Wwise, Unreal 5).
I most love to work on innovative indie/AA games around 4-10 hour play length. Things that feel magical, intriguing and mysterious that can fluidly transition between dark undertones, uplifting moments and expansive feelings of immersion.
Some recent examples would be: Bramble, Grounded and DARQ.
I pride myself on being adaptable and find all learning I do applies in creative ways towards other styles.
Featured Graduate - Unreal 5 Implementation at the School of Video Game Audio
Winner of Best Creativity at the Source - StillAlive Games Robert Dudzic Sound Challenge
Soundmorph Sound Design Competition - Exceptional mention
Airwiggles Showdown - Submission of the Showdown - with Bill Lacey and Jake Kargl

Over Jump Rally
Unofficial remake of Sega Rally 95
- Sound design and implementation in Unreal 5 and Wwise

Roguelike tower defense deckbuilder
- Sound design and Implementation in Wwise

A Kingdom to Conquer
2D tactical action RPG
- Sound design and Implementation in Wwise
Recording sessions and sound instruments
(all instruments personally made)
Great sound design sticks with us throughout our lives. It connects and attaches to memories and emotions that places your players into a world of adventure creating magic, mystery and new possibilities.
Creating emotion, expression and depth in games is what I specialise in through sound effect design. I bring a wealth of knowledge to your project through sound instruments making, recording techniques, voiceover design, sound effect layering and effect chains to bring your players the full depth of experience of your game. Let’s make an impact together.